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These little jewels replace cotton pads and help keep you look oh so beautiful. Remove your make up and run under hot water, or throw in the wash machine to use again&again. How sweet, how neat, how practical.



On the go is the hardest time to keep up with a zero waste lifestyle, when you are in a rush and often dependant on other people’s resources. Our utensil roll helps you practically and beautifully keep an extra set of eating utensils at hand. So you never have to go hungry or go plastic.
Comes with one fitting Swipe Its.

So new and so adorable.

This old fashioned glass jar contains 8 reusable towelettes which easily clean any mess on counters, tables and even little hands and faces. In a multitude of colors and styles they are a huge asset to every spill and meal of the day.



With our practical splash bags your journey will be always chic and spill free. Whether for your daily handbag, or for a long holiday to the beach, through our special water safe inner fabric, our splash bags can safely transport your cosmetics, your bikini, your cables or anything else you might want to protect. All bags are 100% unique, not mass production , everyone is a one of a kind.